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Scientific Paper زلزالية منطقة البحر الميت والأغوار وتخفيف مخاطر الزلازل مؤتمر: سَدَنَة الغور DR.JALAL AL DABBEEK 2014
Scientific Paper Developments and Shortcomings of the Cap Model Implemented in the Finite Element Method For Modeling Geological Materials Proceedings of the 29th Symposium on Engineering Geology and Geotechnical Engineering Isam G. Jardaneh, Thomas H. Fronk, Loren R. Anderson March 22-24, 1993
Scientific Paper A Modified Cap Model Implemented in DYNA-3d Proceedings of the 30th Symposium on Engineering Geology and Geotechnical Engineering Isam G. Jardaneh, Thomas H. Fronk, Loren R. Anderson 1994
Ph.D. Dissertation Cap Model and Finite Element Applications For Modeling Geological Materials Isam Jardaneh 1994
Scientific Paper Landslides in the White Mountain (Geotechnical Studies and Landslides Corrections Engineering Tests and Developments in Construction Industry Seminar Jardaneh, I., Dabeek, J., and Al-Jwahari, A 1998.
Scientific Paper LANDSLIDES IN THE WHITE MOUNTAIN (GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES AND ENGINEERING TESTS) Journal of Al-Azhar University, Gaza, Vol. 7, No. 2 Jardaneh, I., Dabeek, J., and Al-Jwahari, A 2004
Scientific Paper Assessment of Local Excavation Systems: A Case Study of Nablus City, Palestine Journal of An-Najah National University, Natural Sciences, Vol. 20 Jardaneh, I 2006
Scientific Paper Geotechnical Map for the City of Nablus - Palestine Journal of An-Najah National University, Natural Sciences, Vol. 21 Jardaneh, I 2007
Scientific Paper Simplified Analysis and Design of Bored Cast in-situ Reinforced Concrete Cantilever Sheet Pile Walls in Clayey Soils Journal of Islamic University, Gaza, Natural Sciences and Engineering, Volume 17, Number 1, Isam G. Jardaneh 2009
Scientific Paper Surface Soil Effect Using Microtremer Observations in Nablus City, Palestine Journal of Islamic University, Gaza, Natural Sciences and Engineering, Volume 19, Number 2, pp 99 - 112, 2011. El-Kelani, R. and Jardaneh, I 2011
Scientific Paper Slope Stability Analysis and Landsliding Studies based on Geophysical Seismic Exploration UNESCO Sub-RELEMR International Workshop Jalal Al Dabbeek Isam Jardaneh 5-6 November 2012
A refereed Conference Generating a geotechnical map for the city of Nablus by means of GIS software Conference on Civil Engineering, ICCE Asma L., Hijazi I. and Jardaneh, I. 28-30, October
A refereed Conference Slope Instability of Nablus – Al-Bathan Road International Conference on Civil Engineering Isam Jardaneh, Jalal Al-Dabbeek and Khaled Al-Sahili 28-30 Oct-2013
A refereed Conference مخططات المخاطر وإدارة الكوارث "سيناريوهات لمخاطر زلزالية متوقعة لعينة من المدن الفلسطينية" ندوة إدارة الكوارث وسلامة المباني في الدول العربية، جامعة الدول العربية – مجلس وزارء الاسكان والتعمير العرب ووزارة الشؤون البلدية Dr. Jalal Al-Dabbeek 2008
A refereed Conference التعليم الهندسي في فلسطين ومعايير الاعتماد مؤتمر التعليم الهندسي في الوطن العربي بين الواقع والطموح. اتحاد المهندسين العرب ونقابة المهندسين الأردنيين. عمان، كتاب المؤتمر صفحة 101-115، dr.Jalal AlDabbeek 2007
A refereed Conference ASSESSMENT OF SEISMIC SITE EFFECT FOR RAWABI FIRST PALESTINIAN PLANNED CITY First International Conference on MOLDAVIAN RISKS - FROM GLOBAL TO LOCAL SCALE 16-19 May 2012, Bacau, Romania Jalal Al Dabbeek 2012
A refereed Conference اصلاح وتقوية بعض المباني التاريخية التي تعرضت للأعمال الحربية الاسرائيلية (حالة دراسية – مبنى تاريخي في مدينة نابلس) المؤتمر الدولي للهندسة وتطوير المدن، الجامعة الاسلامية، غزة، فلسطين pp C-24-37 Dr.Jalal Aldabeek 2003
A refereed Conference Site Effect and Expected Seismic Performance of Buildings in Palestine- Case Study: Nablus City Seismic Engineering International Conf., MERCEA’08,Reggio Calabria and Messina, Italy, pp 191-198, Vol. 1 Jalal Al-Dabbeek and Radwan El-Kelani 2008
A Refereed journal قابلية الإصابة والسلوك الزلزالي المتوقع للمباني في الضفة الغربية، فلسطينVulnerability, and Expected Seismic Performance of Buildings in West Bank, Palestine مجلة الجامعة الاسلامية، غزة، سلسلة الدراسات الطبيعية والهندسية ISSN 1726-68-7, Vol.15, No.1, pp 193-217 DR Jalal Al-Dabbeek 2007
Summary research in A refereed Conference عوامل تأثير الموقع والتخطيط لاستخدامات الاراضي في فلسطين Site Effect Factors and land Use planning in Palestine مؤتمرالتخطيط العمراني في فلسطين بين تحديات الواقع وتطلعات المستقبل، جامعة النجاح الوطنية و نقابة المهندسين ، Dr. Jalal Al-Dabbeek Abdel Hakim Al-lawhari / MSC. 2008
A refereed Conference تخفيف مخاطر الزلازل في فلسطين Seismic Risk Mitigation in Palestine الحلقة الدراسية العربية الرابعة للزلازل والكوارث الطبيعية، اتحاد مجالس البحث العلمي العربية، جامعة ذمار، اليمن، ص 22 Dr. Jalal Al-Dabbeek 1999
A refereed Conference وجود فتحات "النوافذ والابواب" في جدران القص وتأثيرها على صلابة تشوه اللمعات تحت تأثير القوى الزلزالية ندوة فلسطين الاولى للتخفيف من مخاطر الهزات الارضية، جامعة النجاح الوطنية ونقابة المهندسين كتاب المؤتمر ص: 24-35 Dr. Jalal Al-Dabbeek 1996
Scientific Paper The crustal structure of the Dead Sea Transform Geophysical Journal International, 156, 3, 655-681 Ayman Mohsen 2004
Scientific Paper A receiver function study across the Dead Sea Transform Geophysical Journal International, 160, 3, 948-960 Ayman Mohsen 2005
Scientific Paper Crustal shear velocity structure across the Dead Sea Transform from two-dimensional modelling of DESERT project explosion seismic data Geophysical Journal International, 160, 3, 910-924 Ayman Mohsen 2005
Scientific Paper Thickness of the lithosphere east of the Dead Sea Transform Geophysical Journal International, 167, 2, 845-852 Ayman Mohsen 2006
Scientific Paper Anatomy of the Dead Sea transform from lithospheric to microscopic scale Reviews of Geophysics, 47, RG2002 Ayman Mohsen 2009
Scientific Paper Crustal structure of the Dead Sea Basin (DSB) from a Receiver Function Analysis Geophysical Journal International, 184, 1, 463-476 Ayman Mohsen 2011
Scientific Paper Dead Sea Basin Imaged by Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography Pure and Applied Geophysics, 169, 4, 615-623 Ayman mohsen 2012
Scientific Paper The lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary in the eastern part of the Dead Sea Basin (DSB) from S-to-P receiver functions Arabian Journal of Geosciences. DOI 10.1007/s12517-011-0503-4 Ayman Mohsen 2012
Scientific Paper The distribution of Moho depths beneath the Arabian plate and margins. Tectonophysics Ayman Mohsen 2013
Scientific Paper Geophysical Images Of The Dead Sea Transform In Jordan Reveal An Impermeable Barrier For Fluid Flow Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 30, 1741, Pp. 4 Radwan J. El-Kelani O. Ritter T. Ryberg U. Weckmann A. Hoffmann-Rothe A. Abueladas Z. Garfunkel DESERT Research Group 2004
Scientific Paper Three-Dimensional Gravity Model Of The Southern Jordan Dead Sea Transform An-Najah University Journal for Research - Natural Sciences, Volume 19, 2005 Pages:185-207 Radwan El-Kelani 2005
Scientific Paper A Seismic Profile Across The Southern Dead Sea Basin Radwan J. El-Kelani 2006
Scientific Paper Small-scale gravity modeling of upper crustal structures in the Araba Valley along the Dead Sea Transform Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, Vol. 7, Q09012,PP. 21, 2006 Z. Tašárová H.-J. Götze Radwan J. El-Kelani J. Ebbing M. Hassouneh 2006
Scientific Paper Seismic Wide-Angle Reflection / Refraction Profiling From The DESIRE Project Reveals The Deep Structure Across The Southern Dead Sea Basin American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007, abstract #T43A-1077 Weber, M Mechie, J Ab-Ayyash, K Ben-Avraham, Z Radwan J. El-Kelani Qabbani, I DESIRE Group 2007
Scientific Paper The Dead Sea And Sodom People Al-Aqsa University Journal (Humanities Research) Radwan J. El-Kelani 2008
Scientific Paper First Results From A Temporary Seismological Network In The Southern Dead Sea Area American Geophysical Union (Fall Meeting), San Francisco Braeuer, B Asch, G Hofstetter, A Haberland, C Radwan J. El-Kelani Weber, M 2008
Scientific Paper The DESIRE Airborne gravity project in the Dead Sea Basin and 3D numerical gravity modeling Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 12, EGU2010-2147 Radwan J. El-Kelani Choi, Sungchan Götze, Hans-Jürgen Meyer, Uwe Desire-Group 16/Dec/2008
Scientific Paper Crustal Structure Of The Southern Dead Sea Basin Derived From Project DESIRE Wide-Angle Seismic Data Geophys. J. Int. (2009) 178, 457–478 Radwan J. El-Kelani J. Mechie K. Abu-Ayyash Z. Ben-Avraham I. Qabbani M. Weber DESIRE Group 2009
Scientific Paper Surface Soil Effects Study Using Microtremor Observations in Nablus City, Palestine Islamic University Journal (Series of Natural Studies and Engineering) Radwan J. El-Kelani Isam Jardaneh 28-Feb/2011
A refereed Conference 3-dimensional mapping of a landslide in Nablus City, Palestine: a preliminary risk assessment The Internacional Conferenceon Urban Engineering, Lille, Frence Radwan El-Kelani and Jalal Al-Dabbeek 12-13/Oct/2005
A Refereed journal Landslides in the white Mountain (Geotechnical studies and Engineering Tests). Journal of AL AZHAR University-Gaza (Natural Sciences), ISSN 1810-6366, Vol 7, No.2, pp 15-26 Isam G. Jardaneh, Jalal Al Dabeek, Abdel hakeem Al-Jawhari Dec-2004
A refereed World Encyclopedia Unreinforced concrete and masonry bearing wall construction (designed for gravity loads only) in Palestine World Housing Encyclopedia (an Encyclopedia of Housing Construction in Seismically Active Area of the World), Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), Oakland, California, USA and Internatio Dr. Jalal Al-Dabbeek & abdel H.W.Aljawhari 5-6-2002
Summary research in A refereed Conference Consolidation Priorities and Rapid Assessment of Historical Buildings “A Case Study of Palestine” First International Conference: Protection of Historical Buildings, Rom, Dr. Jalal Al-Dabbeek Dr. Eman M.AMAD 21-24 June/2009
Summary research in A refereed Conference Threat of Natural Disasters on Urban Planning in Palestine: Seismic Risk Impact مؤتمرالتخطيط العمراني في فلسطين بين تحديات الواقع وتطلعات المستقبل، جامعة النجاح الوطنية و نقابة المهندسين ، Jalal Al-Dabbeek and Radwan El-Kelani 21-23Oct/2008
A Refereed journal Rapid Assessment of Seismic Vulnerability in Palestinian Refugee Camps Journal of Applied Sciences 8 (8): pp 1371-1382 Jalal Al-Dabbeek and Radwan El-Kelani 2008
A Refereed journal Vulnerability, and Expected Seismic Performance of Buildings in West Bank, Palestine مجلة الجامعة الاسلامية، غزة، سلسلة الدراسات الطبيعية والهندسية ISSN 1726-68-7, Vol.15, No.1, pp 193-217 Jalal Al-Dabbeek Jan/2007
A refereed Conference Post – Disaster Damage Assessment For The City Of Nablus The ninth Arab structural Engineering Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE pp 979-986, Vol. 2 J. N. AL-DABBEEK, E. M. AMAD, E. S. ASSI, H. A. YAMEEN Nov.29- Dec.1/2003
A refereed Conference Local site effects in Palestinian cities: a preliminary study based on Nablus earthquake of July 11, 1927 and the earthquake of February 11, 2004 The 1st Conference of Applied Geophysics for engineering Messina,Italy Jalal Al-Dabbeek and Radwan El-Kelani 13-15/Oct/2004
A refereed Conference Dead Sea Earthquake Of 11 February 2004, ML 5.2: Post Earthquake Damage Assessment In The West Bank, Palestine The International Earthquake Engineering Conference Jalal Al-Dabbeek and Radwan El-Kelani 21-24/Nov/2005
Research in a refereed journal An Assessment on Disaster Risk Reduction in the Occupied Palestinian Territory An Najah Univ.Journal (N.Sc.) Vol.24 Dr. Jalal Al-Dabbeek 2010
A refereed Conference Damage Assessment of Buildings in Kour Village Seismic Hazard Analysis and Data Exchange in the Mediterranean Region, RELEMR Expert workshop (UNESCO). Nicosia, Cyprus, pp 24, Dr. lalal Al-Dabbeek Abdel Hakim Al-lawhari / MSC. Eng. Hadeel Yameen / Architect 13-10 sep/2003

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