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     News & Events

Action Plan Workshop

21/01/2019 14:42:00


The additional Workshops about The Data Base and the Results of the Scorecard For Nablus

23/12/2018 08:18:00


An-Najah Professor Participates in the Africa-Arab Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction in Tunisia

09/10/2018 13:12:00


Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction

12/09/2018 13:26:00


Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center at An Najah National University Organized two training Workshops on Disaster Resilience Score Card of Sendia Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030

02/08/2018 09:28:00


Launching the 1st workshop on “Making Cities Sustainable and Resilient” UNISDR imitative Implementing Sendai Framework 2015-2030 in Nablus City

30/07/2018 13:59:00


Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center at An Najah National University Organized a Workshop on Making Cities Sustainable & Resilient

30/07/2018 12:24:00


Training course in structural preservation and assessment of the structural behavior of buildings (Old buildings)

15/03/2018 14:25:00


Graduate training courses at An-Najah National University in the field of seismic design of buildings

22/02/2018 12:22:00


A Swedish Delegation Visits An-Najah to Discuss Possible Means of Cooperation

05/02/2018 13:15:00


An-Najah Professor Participates in the Experts Meeting on Global Risk Assessment Framework

20/11/2017 12:24:00


An-Najah Professor Participates in the Experts Meeting on Global Risk Assessment Framework

20/11/2017 12:24:00


Prof. Dr. Jalal Dabbeek at the meeting of experts on disaster risk reduction in the world

20/11/2017 11:42:00


An-Najah Professor Participates in a Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction

09/10/2017 10:36:00


Workshop on Disaster Resilience Scorecard for Mauritanian Cities

22/08/2017 10:05:00


An-Najah Organizes the “GNSS and Quality Control: Concepts and General Standards”

15/08/2017 11:13:00


Workshop on Disaster Resilience Scorecard for Tunisian Cities

25/07/2017 10:44:00


Graduate training courses at An-Najah National University in the field of seismic design of buildings

27/05/2017 12:29:00


Ashort training course on Rapid Assessment of seismic vulnerabilities of buildings

27/05/2017 11:09:00


Lecture on Disaster Risk Reduction:Seismic Risk Mitigation in Palestine- Arab American University - Jenin

13/04/2017 09:47:00


Lecture on Disaster Risk Mitigation in al haja rashda school

12/03/2017 10:53:00


Graduate training course at An-Najah National University in the field of seismic design of buildings

08/01/2017 10:32:00


Final Conference of SASPARM2.0 in Brussels

01/12/2016 08:57:00


Working Group Meeting on Guidelines for Risk Management Policy

22/11/2016 14:31:00


A training course in the field of seismic design of buildings and data collection in site from several buildings in Nablus city

26/10/2016 09:20:00


Short Training courses on Retrofit Measures in Bireh city

25/10/2016 15:27:00


A training course in the field of seismic design of buildings and data collection in site from several buildings in Nablus city

24/10/2016 09:12:00


Lecture on Disaster Risk Mitigation in Palestine

18/10/2016 12:25:00


Short Training Course on Disaster Risk Reduction and SASPARM2 Project

01/10/2016 15:13:00


Joint Disaster Response and Preparedness Initiative "Professional Dialogue Meeting"

24/07/2016 10:56:00


Graduate training course at An-Najah National University in the field of seismic design of buildings

29/05/2016 13:51:00


short Training courses on Retrofit Measures

26/05/2016 14:18:00


Short Training courses on Retrofit Measures

24/05/2016 13:42:00


Aworkshop on SASPARM2 in Pavia, EUCENTRE

18/05/2016 12:46:00


Training course on data collection in site from several buildings in Nablus city and fill out the form to assess the vulnerability and determine their resistance to earthquakes

04/04/2016 11:22:00


A Workshop Conducted on “Disaster Risk Reduction in Palestine: Palestine Safe City Standards and the 10 Essentials for Making Cities Resilient” - Sendai Framework, Tulkarem

24/03/2016 13:40:00


An Najah University participated in a workshop For Disaster Risk Reduction in Beirut

15/03/2016 11:55:00


Short Training Course on Disaster Risk Reduction and SASPARM2 Project

12/03/2016 15:15:00


An-Najah Participates in an International Workshop on Mitigation of Disasters Due to Severe Natural Events in Sir Lanka

12/03/2016 09:05:00


Meeting with stakeholders in nablus Municibility

03/02/2016 13:06:00


An-Najah Participates in the UNISDR Science and Technology Conference

24/01/2016 12:47:00


Graduate training course at An-Najah National University in the field of seismic design of buildings

22/12/2015 10:23:00


A training course for students of the Department of construction and civil engineering within the project SASPARM 2

05/12/2015 14:18:00


A training course for students planning engineering department within the project SASPARM 2

02/12/2015 14:23:00


The Arab Region Meeting on the Implementation of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, Egypt-Cairo

08/11/2015 14:47:00


Training Sessions for Practitioners SASPARM 2

05/11/2015 14:15:00


Training Sessions University Students - SASPARM 2.0

04/11/2015 14:27:00


workshop on “Reducing Earthquake Losses in the Extended Mediterranean Region” (RELEMR), Italy, Ravenna

26/10/2015 09:33:00


An-Najah Professor Participates in a Workshop on Earthquakes in Italy

26/10/2015 09:30:00


Disaster Management and Emergency Response Short Training Course in Hebron

26/08/2015 15:01:00


Disaster Management and Emergency Response Short Training Course in Bethlehem

25/08/2015 15:02:00


Disaster Management and Emergency Response Short Training Course in Salfeet

24/08/2015 14:53:00


Disaster Management and Emergency Response Short Training Course in Ramallah

22/08/2015 14:55:00


Workshop on "Arab Cities Disaster Resilience" in Jordan

12/08/2015 15:31:00


Workshop" National Team of Develop Disaster Risk Management System"

09/06/2015 09:52:00


Earthquake Risk Mitigation in Palestine and A Training courses on Seismic Design of buildings in Tulkarm city

16/05/2015 14:32:00


Earthquake resistant buildings design course at An-Najah National University

29/04/2015 09:39:00


Workshop on "Development of Disaster Risk Management Program in Palestine."

07/04/2015 15:27:00


The World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan

29/03/2015 10:53:00


- Training course on “Fundamental of seismic analysis and design “in Jenin city

21/03/2015 15:23:00


Lectures for students of civil and construction engineering

16/03/2015 09:26:00


Earthquake Risk Mitigation in Palestine and A Training courses on Seismic Design of buildings in Nablus

05/02/2015 12:54:00


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

24/12/2014 14:20:00


SASPARM’s Concluding Conference on Seismic Risk Mitigation in Palestine

19/11/2014 14:20:00


Students’ Visit: The Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Centre

29/10/2014 11:30:00


Dr Dabbeek lectures at the NERA Swiss Seismo- School

20/10/2014 13:36:00


Engineers Association and An-Najah host workshop on seismic design and seismic risk Mitigation

23/09/2014 10:29:00


2nd Arab Regional Platform Conference: Toward a knowledge centric society to reduce disaster risk

14/09/2014 10:57:00


Earthquake Risk Reduction in Palestine and (A Training Workshop on Seismic Building Design)

09/09/2014 08:36:00


SASPARM Workshop Invitation “Seismic Design in 100 minutes”

08/09/2014 10:01:00


SASPARM: Video Conference on the New Shaking Table

05/08/2014 11:41:00


Towards a Palestinian strategy for disaster risk reduction and the empowerment of the Palestinian society and its institutions to be resilient in disasters and within the activities of SASPARM Project in Palestine The Centre for Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction, An-Najah National University, and in cooperation with the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, organized a workshop entitled: “Seismic Risk Mitigation in Palestine”

16/07/2014 11:44:00


SASPARM: Physics Masters students visit Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Centre

14/07/2014 11:27:00


Students’ Visit: The Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Centre

16/06/2014 09:45:00


A televised interview about the seismic design of buildings and the city of Rawabi

21/05/2014 14:17:00


Graduate training course at An-Najah National University in the field of seismic design of buildings

18/05/2014 11:06:00


Workshop on "Seismic Design in 100 Minutes"

11/05/2014 09:52:00


Commission on Information and Awareness: “Future of the SASPARM project”

08/05/2014 10:01:00


SASPARM Workshop Invitation

07/05/2014 15:06:00

“Seismic Design in 100 minutes”


In Cooperation with SASPARM Project CSC Concludes a Training Course on Civil Defense Skills

27/04/2014 14:20:00


Workshop on Preparing Palestine for disasters: an assessment

25/03/2014 01:10:00


Engineering Students visit the Scientific Centers

19/03/2014 13:02:00


Participation in the workshop “ETRERA_2020 Info Day” in Palestine

18/03/2014 09:23:00


Dead Sea area and Valley Seismic Vulnerability discussed at The Guardians of the Valley Conference

10/03/2014 08:52:00

Dr. Jalal Dabeek, Vice President of the National Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction, and Director of the Disaster Risk Reduction Center at An-Najah, participated in a conference that was organized by An-Najah National University on the situation the Palestinian valley of the Jordan River.


Lectures for students of civil and construction engineering

05/03/2014 10:22:00

group of students from Engineering Facility visited An-Najah University’s Earth Sciences and Seismic Engineering Unit at the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Centre, to learn about how to use the Seismic equipment (seismometers seismographs).


Tulkarm Governorate Hosts another SASPARM Activity on Disaster Risk Mitigation in Palestine

04/03/2014 11:04:00


Seismic Risk Mitigating: a lecture at Talae’ Al-Amal School

02/03/2014 12:50:00

The Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Centre (UPDRRC), in cooperation with Talae’ Al-Amal Secondary School, organised a lecture on how to mitigate the seismic risks.


Visits to students of civil engineering and construction to An-Najah’s Scientific Centres

27/02/2014 14:57:00

group of students from Engineering Facility visited An-Najah University’s Earth Sciences and Seismic Engineering Unit at the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Centre, to learn about how to use the Seismic equipment (seismometers seismographs).


A Workshop on Rapid Assessment of Damages and Losses

27/02/2014 10:43:00

Upon coordination with the prime minister, the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Centre (UPDRRC) at An-Najah National University organized a workshop on the methodology of Post Disaster Rapid Assessment of Damages and losses in the light of the international relevant standards. The Ministry of Local Government (MLG) followed-up the preparations for this important workshop, which was conducted on February 27th in order to attract the active participation of all concerned sectors in the next series of training sessions to be organized in partnership between UPDRRC and MLG.


SASPARM continues its efforts: A Lecture on Disaster Risk mitigation in Palestine

25/02/2014 11:32:00

On Tuesday 25 February the Russian Centre for Science and Culture in Bethlehem, in cooperation with the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Centre (UPDRRC)/ Earth Sciences and Seismic Engineering held a lecture on “Disaster Risk Mitigation in Palestine”. Dr Jalal Al- Dabbeek, the Director of the UPDRRC spoke to the audience about the history of earthquakes, reason for their occurrence and impact in relation to public safety.


School Children Visited An-Najah National University

16/02/2014 09:24:00

In the framework of its education programs to raise public awareness on risk mitigation, the Seismic Risk Mitigation Project in Palestine (SASPARM) receives groups of school students from different Palestinian schools all over West Bank. During January and February school children from Nablus, Jerusalem and Ramallah visited the Urban Planning and Risk Reduction Centre (UPRRC) at An-Najah National University and were welcomed by the center’s director Dr. Jalal Dabbeek and his team.


Workshop on Disaster Management in Palestine

11/02/2014 10:12:00

Upon the initiative of and in cooperation with the Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU) Alumni Union, the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Centre (UPDRR) of An-Najah National University (ANU), organized a workshop on Disaster Management in Palestine. The workshop, that was held on February 11th at PPU’s campus in Hebron, was attended by many stakeholders in Hebron district; PPU’s head of Board of Trustees and president, Governor of Hebron, Mayor of Hebron city, Director General of Civil Defense of West Bank, the National Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction, and several representatives of civil society organizations.


Successful completion of the “Earthquakes and Risk Mitigation” course (Engineering course for non engineer)

02/02/2014 08:53:00

A course on seismic risk mitigation was held at An- Najah National University within the activities of Support Action for Strengthening Palestinian-administrated Areas capabilities for Seismic Risk Mitigation project in Palestine (SASPARM) implemented by An-Najah National University in cooperation with the European Centre for training and research in Earthquake Engineering "EUCENTRE” and the Institute for Advanced Study (IUSS) in Pavia - Italy within the "FP7" European projects.


Ensuring Future Sustainable and Safe Buildings: Adopting Seismic Building Code

29/01/2014 08:40:00

On the 29 January 2014 Palestine adopted its first ever Seismic Building Code, in conjunction with the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Centre (UPDRRC) at An-Najah National University (ANU), the Palestinian Engineers Association and relevant authorities in Palestine. In a collaborative effort, supported by EU partners, Palestine’s new code will ensure future buildings are both sustainable and safe.


Graduate training course at An-Najah National University in the field of seismic design of buildings

12/01/2014 15:22:00

Within the Support Action for Strengthening Palestinian-administrated Areas capabilities for Seismic Risk Mitigation project in Palestine (SASPARM).A training course (50 hours) was offered by the Urban Planning and Disaster Risks Reduction Canter/ Earth Sciences and Seismic Engineering Unit, An-Najah National University, and the Palestinian Engineers Association on:


Important Announcement For Building Engineering and Civil Engineering Students

09/01/2014 09:11:00


Exposed area of ​​southwest Turkey earthquakes

29/12/2013 10:15:00

Exposed area of ​​southwest Turkey earthquakes


10/12/2013 13:49:00


A Scientific day in the villages/ Towns of north-west Jerusalem on the Seismic Risk Reduction

05/12/2013 13:55:00

The center of Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction /Earthquakes Engineering Unit at An-Najah University and the National Agency for Disaster Risk Mitigation (NADRM), in cooperation with the local council of Beit -Anan and Ae’ed charitable society, organized a scientific day for the people of Anana, Al-Qbeiba girls school, and nearby town s and villages.


Work shop on “Earthquakes and Seismic Risk Mitigation in Palestine – SASPARM Project” (Building the resilience of Palestinian Communities to Disasters)- Predicting Earthquakes, Risk Mitigation and Our Readiness.

21/11/2013 17:30:00

On Wednesday, November 20th, 2013, the National Agency for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center-Seismic Risk Mitigation Center at An-Najah National University, with the cooperation of the Ramallah Municipality Public Library held a workshop under the title, “Earthquakes, Prediction, Risk Mitigation and Our Readiness,” in the presence of a number of intellectuals from the cultural organization Salon Ramallah.


workshop at the Birzeit University on the Earthquakes Expected to Occur in Palestine and Their Risk Mitigtion with SASPARM Project

20/11/2013 14:35:00


workshop at the Birzeit University on the Earthquakes Expected to Occur in Palestine and Their Risk Mitigtion with SASPARM Project

20/11/2013 11:50:00

Dr. Jalal Dabeek, the Director of the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center’s Seismic Risk Mitigation Center at An-Najah National University, and the Vice President of the National Authority for Disaster Risk Reduction, presented a scientific symposium that highlighted the earthquakes predicted to occur in Palestine and their risk mitigation.


Lecture about Expected Earthquakes and Seismic Risk Mitigation in Palestine ( SASPARM Project)

19/11/2013 12:59:00

Place: Birzeit University Date: 19/11/2013 Time: 11:00 AM -13:00 PM Lecturer: Dr. Jalal Al Dabbeek, the director of the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center / Earth Sciences and Seismic Engineering Unit at An -Najah University and the vice president of the National Agency for Disaster Risk Mitigation


An-Najah National University Participates in an International Workshop on How To Step Up International Cooperation to Bridge the Gap between Research and Innovation

08/11/2013 12:40:00

Dr. Jalal Dabbeek, the Director of the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center at An-Najah University, and the Vice-President of the National Authority to Mitigate Disaster Risks participated in a workshop on the European Union and international networks’ learning projects. The workshop was held in Budapest, Hungary, under the title of “How to Step up International Cooperation to Bridge the Gap between Research and Innovation”.


The Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center at An Najah University participated in the meeting of an international workshop in Spain (RELEMR Workshop)

04/11/2013 10:27:00

The Earth Sciences and Seismic Engineering Unit (ESSEU) at An-Najah National University’s Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center participated in the RELEMR international experts’ meeting in a workshop devoted to the seismic monitoring centers in Europe, the Arab area and the United States, and the early warning systems for tsunamis and earthquakes. This workshop was held in Spain.


Six small earthquakes occurred in Tiberias area

22/10/2013 13:21:00


On the Occasion of Eid al-Adha

10/10/2013 22:47:00


The following is a message from Margareta Wahlström

04/10/2013 15:11:00

The following is a message from Margareta Wahlström, the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction and head of UNISDR, regarding this year's International Day for Disaster Reduction (Oct 13).


An-Najah National University Holds Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction in Palestine and SASPARM Project

01/10/2013 15:22:00

On Tuesday, October 1st, 2013, under the patronage of his Excellency Prime Minister Prof. Rami Hamdallah, the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Centre/ Earth Sciences and Seismic Engineering Centre held a workshop on Disaster Risk Mitigation in Palestine and Support Action for Strengthening Palestinian-administrated Areas capabilities for Seismic Risk Mitigation (SASPARM) project.


Final Confernce: Palestine for European Research Area (PERA)

22/09/2013 10:55:00

During the Conference, SASPARM Coordinator Dr. Jalal Al Dabbeek had apresentaion on Seismic Risk Mitigation and SASPARM Objectives and Dissemination activities.


Seismic Training Course

17/09/2013 12:43:00

A seismic training course was held at An- Najah National University Withinthe activitiesofSupport Action for Strengthening Palestinian-administrated Areas capabilities for Seismic Risk Mitigation project in Palestine (SASPARM) implemented by An-Najah NationalUniversityin cooperationwith the European Centre for training and research in Earthquake Engineering "EUCENTRE” and the Institute for Advanced Study (IUSS) in Pavia - Italy within the "FP7" European projects.


The graduation of the Second training course on Fundamentals of seismic analysis and seismic design within the activities of SASPARM project

15/09/2013 10:30:00

A training course(48 hours) on " Fundamentals of seismic analysis and seismic design” was offered by the Urban Planning and Disaster Risks Reduction Center/ Earth Sciences and Seismic Engineering Unit, An-Najah National University, the Palestinian Engineers Association, in collaboration with European Centre for training and research in Earthquake Engineering "EUCENTRE” and The Institute for Advanced Study of Pavia -IUSS, within the Support Action for Strengthening Palestinian-administrated Areas capabilities for Seismic Risk Mitigation project in Palestine (SASPARM).


Workshop:Media and Municipalities Role in Disaster Risk Mitigation

15/09/2013 07:29:00

Within the activities of Support Action for Strengthening Palestinian-administrated Areas capabilities for Seismic Risk Mitigation project in Palestine (SASPARM) implemented by An-Najah NationalbUniversity incooperation with the European Centre for training and research in Earthquake Engineering "EUCENTRE” and the Institute for Advanced Study (IUSS) in Pavia - Italy within the "FP7" European projects, In coordination with the Ministry of Local Government, the Palestinian Journalists Association, and the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, UNISDR.


Training course on Fundamentals of seismic analysis and seismic design in Nablus ( Course Modulus for Practitioners )

14/09/2013 09:29:00

The Support Action for Strengthening Palestinian-administrated Areas capabilities for Seismic Risk Mitigation SASPARM includes conducting several training courses. One of the major parts of the project was dedicated for that. (Refer to Work Package WP3, Training and Knowledge exchange)


Light Earthquake in the Dead Sea region

12/09/2013 09:56:00


The Seismic Engineering Unit of the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center at An-Najah University and the Engineering Association organized atraining course on Fundamentals of seismic analysis and seismic design in Hebron

16/08/2013 12:36:00

Date: Friday & saturday during the period 16/08-7/09/2013 Place: In the Southern part of West Bank Participants: About 27 engineers from consulting engineering offices and municipalities in the southern part of West Bank


Meeting for the media and website committee

15/08/2013 09:13:00

Time and Date: Aug 15, 2013 at 12:00 PM. Place: Project’s Coordinator office Participants: -Dr. Jalal Dabbeek, Project Coordinator -Dr. Sami Kilani, Newsletter Editor - Eng. Sami Sadder, Media Coordinator - Mr. Khalid Mufleh: PR media officer - Mr. Wala' Ajaj: Media Committee, member


Support Action for Strengthening Palestinian-administrated Areas capabilities for Seismic Risk Mitigation project in Palestine (SASPARM) Launched its first e-published Newsletter in both Arabic and English

14/08/2013 21:14:00


The Committee for Implementing the Seismic Code met and discussed future programs

04/08/2013 13:22:00

The Committee for Implementing the Seismic Building Code held an extended meeting in the Engineers Association’s centre at the Professional Trade Unions Centre in the city of Al-Bira to discuss its achievements and future programs.


The graduation of the first training course on Fundamentals of seismic analysis and seismic design within the activities of SASPARM project

04/08/2013 12:29:00

A training course(48 hours) on " Fundamentals of seismic analysis and seismic design” was offered by the Urban Planning and Disaster Risks Reduction Center/ Earth Sciences and Seismic Engineering Unit, An-Najah National University, the Palestinian Engineers Association, in collaboration with European Centre for training and research in Earthquake Engineering "EUCENTRE” and The Institute for Advanced Study of Pavia -IUSS, within the Support Action for Strengthening Palestinian-administrated Areas capabilities for Seismic Risk Mitigation project in Palestine (SASPARM).


Training course on Fundamentals of seismic analysis and seismic design (Modules for Practitioners)

09/07/2013 11:02:00

The Support Action for Strengthening Palestinian-administrated Areas capabilities for Seismic Risk Mitigation SASPARM includes conducting several training courses. One of the major parts of the project was dedicated for that. (Refer to Work Package WP3, Training and Knowledge exchange).


workshop on: The role of media in disaster risk mitigation

08/07/2013 13:33:00

In the framework of SASPARM project’s activities in Palestine, which is implemented by An-Najah National University in coordination with EUCENTER and the University of IUSS, Pavia-Italy, within the European FP7 projects, the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center -An-Najah National University, Ministry of Information, and the Palestinian Journalists Association conducted a training workshop The role of media in disaster risk mitigation


Training Workshop on Urban Planning Manual (UPM)

25/06/2013 13:33:00

Dr.Jalal Aldabbeek presented a lecture about " Disaster Risk Mitigation in Palestine and the Urban Planning Manual.


Workshop about the national spatial plan

17/06/2013 10:25:00

Upon an invitation from the Engineers Association/ Nablus Branch, the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center (UPDRRC) has participated in a workshop that discussed the National Spatial Plan that was prepared by the Ministry of Planning.


lectures on

02/06/2013 12:38:00

Place: Old city of Nablus, Al Tawan conservation unit. Audience: 17th Architectural and structural engineers who participated in the conservation training course “Rapid Assessment of Existing Buildings and Consolidation (Conservation) Priorities for both Historical and Non-Historical Buildings”, managed by Al Tawan Association and the conservation unit at NNU.


EU – Palestinian cooperation in research and innovation- Workshop

29/05/2013 10:08:00

The Place: Caesar Hotel, Al-Masyoun - Ramallah Date: 29/05/2013 Participants: More than 50 persons from universities and Research centers, Governmental and nongovernmental Organizations, Private Sector (industry).


Lecture about Seismic Risk Mitigation in Palestine and SASPARM Project

28/05/2013 14:38:00

Place: An-Najah National University-Scientific centers building Participants: 46 students from the Engineer Faculty, Civil engineering Departments at An-Najah National University


Basic of signal processing, design of a specimens system acquisition -Training Course-

09/05/2013 10:47:00

Place: An-Najah National University-Scientific centers building Participants: Young researchers, and Laboratory technicians from An-Najah National University Lecturers:Dr.Simone Peloso


Training workshop on Disaster Disk Mitigation in Palestine

05/05/2013 15:16:00

Place: Al Bireh city. Attendance: around 60 teachers from several schools in West Bank, Stakeholders and National Partners: Ministry of Education, The National Agency for Disaster Risk Mitigation and The Political National Guidance. During the workshop two lectures on Seismic Risk Mitigation and SASPARM public awareness activities have been presented.


Ground response analyses and near-surface site characterization (Training course No.3)

05/05/2013 14:31:00

Place: An-Najah National University-Scientific centers building Participants: Young researchers, engineers from An-Najah National University Lecturers: Prof.Carlo G. Lai and Dr. Maria- Daphne Mangriotis


A workshop on Disaster Risk Mitigation in Palestine

30/04/2013 13:10:00

The workshop was held in cooperation with National Agency for Disaster Risk Mitigation, Engineering Association and Ministries of Local Government.


Fundamentals of Structural dynamics

23/04/2013 09:08:00

Place: An-Najah National University-Scientific centers building Participants: Young researchers, engineers and master student from An-Najah National University, in addition to Practioner engineers. Lecturer: Dr.Alessandro Dazio


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22/04/2013 11:50:00


The Earthquake in Arab region and Iran

17/04/2013 12:30:00


Lecture on Disaster Risk Mitigation in Palestine

11/04/2013 09:22:00

In coordination with the Scientific Club at Haja Rashdah School in Nablus city, around 60 school students attended a lecture titled: "Disaster Risk Mitigation in Palestine" presented by Dr. Jalal Al-Dabbeek, the director Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center at An- Najah National University.


Birzeit University students visit the Earth Sciences and Seismic Engineering Unit.

07/04/2013 09:10:00

Through coordination with Sharek Youth Forum, 35 students from Birzet University visited the Earth Sciences and Seismic Engineering Unit / Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center at An- Najah National University.


The National Agency for Disaster Risk Reduction and An-Najah University organized a workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction in Palestine.

26/03/2013 13:07:00

The National Agency for Disaster Risk Mitigation and the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center/ the Earth Science and Seismic Engineering Unit at An-Najah National University and in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ramallah and Al-Bireh organized a workshope entitled " earthquakes risk mitigation in Palestine” In a series of programs aimed to generalize public awareness in the field of building the capacities of the community and its institutions to cope with disasters, On the occasion of launching the activities of the SASPARM project.


Dr. Jalal Al Dabbeek Participates in the First Arab Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction

25/03/2013 10:09:00


Fundamentals of seismic vulnerability and seismic risk

27/02/2013 14:33:00

Training course No.1


United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction Visits An-Najah's Seismic Monitoring Station in Jericho

27/02/2013 09:14:00

On Wednesday, Feb. 27th, Ms. Margareta Wahlstrom, the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction, visited An-Najah's seismic monitoring station, a division of the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Unit and the Earth Sciences and Seismic Engineering Unit.


An-Najah University Launches Disaster Risk Mitigation Project (SASPARM Project) funded by European Union

26/02/2013 12:12:00

In the presence of Ms. Margareta Wahlstrom, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the UNISDR, Prof. Rami Hamdallah, University President, Dr. Barbara Borzi. the Head of Vulnerability and Territorial Management Section of Eucentre, and Dr. Jalal Dabeek, Director of the An-Najah Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center. The project launch included a workshop and official launching ceremony.


See also...





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