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جامعة النجاح الوطنية
منسق المشروع


 الصفحة الرئيسية >

Data Resources Category
Data Resources Category A refereed Conference
Research Title Damage Assessment of Buildings in Kour Village

Data collected from (study locations)

Kour Village - West Bank

Published by (sources)

Seismic Hazard Analysis and Data Exchange in the Mediterranean Region, RELEMR Expert workshop (UNESCO). Nicosia, Cyprus, pp 24,

Carried out by (authors)

Dr. lalal Al-Dabbeek Abdel Hakim Al-lawhari / MSC. Eng. Hadeel Yameen / Architect
Issue Year 13-10 sep/2003
Kour is a small village located in the southwest of Tulkarem city. The whole city is a historical monument and a masterpiece of art consisting of a number of huge historical buildings. This village forms the best m{)del that resembles the MamloukOttoman village in Palestine The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) signed an  agreement with the United Nations Development Programme/ Prograrnme of  Assistance to the Palestinian People (UNDPIP APP) to fund a project that has a  component of Cultural Heritage Restoration. Due to the historical importance of  Kour, it was included in the Project. To accomplish the consolidation work in Kour; ESSEC was assigned by UNDPIPAPP to make this study.

Damage resulting from several actions, including the famous 1927 earthquake that hit the area, has generally been highly variable. Moreover, building performance depends on many factors. Combination of structural materials, structural systems, and  architectural design creates a variety of buildings as well as a variety of damage observed.
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمشروع ساسبارم 2013
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