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جامعة النجاح الوطنية
منسق المشروع


 الصفحة الرئيسية >

Data Resources Category
Data Resources Category Scientific Paper
Research Title Simplified Analysis and Design of Bored Cast in-situ Reinforced Concrete Cantilever Sheet Pile Walls in Clayey Soils
Area of Research Data (interesting fields) Excavation Support Systems, Bored Cast in-situ Sheet Piles, Maximum Bending Moment, Penetration Depth, Deflection of Sheet Pile.

Data collected from (study locations)


Published by (sources)

Journal of Islamic University, Gaza, Natural Sciences and Engineering, Volume 17, Number 1,

Carried out by (authors)

Isam G. Jardaneh
Issue Year 2009

Many excavation support systems are available, bored cast in-situ reinforced concrete cantilever sheet pile wall is the support system under consideration in this paper. There is no specific design and analysis procedure for such excavation support system and most designers rely on experience rather than on engineering methods. The aim of this paper is to present a simplified analysis and design method to the proposed excavation support system in clayey soil, which will provide valuable design parameters, such as, penetration depth of the sheet pile, maximum bending moment and shear force, and maximum deflection at the top of the cantilever sheet pile for various arrangements of bored piles that form sheet piling.


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جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمشروع ساسبارم 2013
مركز التخطيط الحضري والحد من مخاطر الكوارث