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جامعة النجاح الوطنية
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Data Resources Category
Data Resources Category Scientific Paper
Research Title Three-Dimensional Gravity Model Of The Southern Jordan Dead Sea Transform

Published by (sources)

An-Najah University Journal for Research - Natural Sciences, Volume 19, 2005 Pages:185-207

Carried out by (authors)

Radwan El-Kelani
Issue Year 2005
Abstract Three-Dimensional Gravity Model Of The Southern Jordan Dead Sea Transform
A three-dimensional interpretation of the newly compiled Bouguer anomaly map of the Dead Sea Transform (DST) is presented. A highresolution 3-D model constrained with the seismic results reveals a possible crustal thickness and density distribution beneath the Rift. The negative Bouguer anomalies (-130 mGal) along the axial portion of the Rift floor, as deduced from the modelling results, are mainly caused by deep seated basins of light sediments (≥10 km). The inferred zone of intrusion coincides with the maximum gravity anomaly over the eastern flank of the Rift. The intrusion is displaced at different sectors along the NW-SE direction. The zone of the maximum crustal thinning (≤30 km) is attained in the western sector at the Mediterranean. The southeastern plateau, on the other hand, shows by far the largest crustal thickness in the region (38-42 km). Linked to the left lateral movement of ~ 107 km at the boundary between the African and Arabian plates, and constrained with recent seismic data, a small asymmetric topography of the Moho beneath the DST was modelled. The thickness and densities of the crust ranging from 2650-2900 kg/m 3 suggest that the DST underlain by a continental crust. The deep basins, the relatively large nature of the intrusion and the asymmetric topography of the Moho lead to the conclusion that a small-scale asthenospheric upwelling(?) might be responsible for the thinning of the crust and subsequent rifting of the DST during the left lateral movement.
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