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جامعة النجاح الوطنية
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 الصفحة الرئيسية >

Data Resources Category
Data Resources Category Summary research in A refereed Conference
Research Title Threat of Natural Disasters on Urban Planning in Palestine: Seismic Risk Impact

Published by (sources)

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Carried out by (authors)

Jalal Al-Dabbeek and Radwan El-Kelani
Issue Year 21-23Oct/2008

Every community must choose whether to invest in risk reduction action before the disaster strikes or to wait and pay the consequences, which could include high costs of recovery and reconstruction after the disaster strikes. Therefore, the implementation strategies of risk reduction program should have three basic objectives: stop increasing the risk for new construction, start decreasing the unacceptable risk for existing structure and continue preparation for the consequences for inevitable earthquake.

 The regions in Palestine suffer, in general, from planning absence, random urban expansion, and multiple land use, with lack of seismic information about the area, and insufficiency of master plans that refers to several considerations such as landslides fault, and plans that determines the hypoactive seismic areas.

Studies of historical earthquakes and instrumental earthquake records during the past seventy year demonstration that the damaging earthquakes in Palestine were located along the Dead Sea Rift/Transform fault. These damaging earthquakes caused in several cases sever devastation and many hundreds and sometimes thousands of fatal casualties. Recent studies of large destructive earthquakes have shown that damages during the earthquakes are often caused by the amplification of seismic waves in near surface geology.

The primary research goal is to construct the theory of Urban Planning for Disaster Reduction in Palestine. It is necessary that the planning contain both hardware and software in order to raise the force of city for the disaster, also the ways of reducing the impact of earthquakes we will be discussed, as Palestine lies on active faults.


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